Title IX Information

Please refer to the updated Title IX polices on the GCCCD Title IX website:




Notice of Nondiscrimination

Grossmont-Cuyamaca社区学院区(District)致力于提供 确保和促进多样性、公平和包容的学习和工作环境. 人的背景、观点、社会经济水平、文化和能力 在我们公司的各个方面都受到重视、欢迎和包容. The District strives 提供一个教育环境,促进文化意识,相互理解, 这种尊重最终也有利于全球社会.


任何人不得非法地受到歧视或被剥夺充分和平等的权利 基于种族认同的地区项目或活动, 种族或民族、肤色、国籍、宗教、年龄、性别、性别认同、 性别表达、身体或精神残疾、医疗状况、怀孕、遗传 信息,血统,性取向,婚姻状况,或军队和退伍军人 地位,或者因为他或她被认为具有上述一种或多种特征, 或基于与一个或多个这些实际的或的人或团体的联系 perceived characteristics. 地区计划及活动包括但不限于 授予任何由财政援助直接管理或资助的机构或接受财政援助的机构 from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.


校长应制定行政程序,以确保所有成员 大学社区可以对涉嫌违反这一规定的行为提出投诉 政策,并听取投诉,根据标题5的规定和那些 其他执行有关非歧视的州和联邦法律的机构.


地区资金不得用于社员或任何涉及 代表地区或任何受雇个人的财务付款或供款 由本地区或与本地区有联系的任何私人组织,其会员实践 是否基于上述群体存在歧视.


What is Title IX?

"No person in the U.S. 应因性别而被排除在下列活动之外: 或被剥夺任何教育的利益,或受到任何教育的歧视 program or activity receiving federal aid."


违反第九条的行为类型包括但不限于 to:


  • Sexual harassment
  • Hostile environment caused by sexual harassment
  • 性侵犯(未经双方同意的性接触和性交)
  • Pressure for sexual activity
  • Sexual innuendos and comments
  • Sexual ridicule
  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation
  • Intimidation
  • Unwelcome touching, hugging, stroking, squeezing
  • Spreading rumors about a person's sexuality
  • 显示或发送性暗示的电子内容,包括但不限于 to emails, text messages, etc.
  • 到处展示图片、日历、漫画或其他与性有关的材料 explicit or graphic content
  • Stalking a person
  • Attempted or actual sexual violence

Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention and Awareness 

对学生的性骚扰,包括性暴力犯罪,是一种形式 性别歧视和干涉学生受教育的权利 不受歧视,在性暴力的情况下,是一种犯罪.


Sexual violence如本节所使用的术语,指的是实施的身体上的性行为 违背某人的意愿或某人由于疾病而无法给予同意 victim's use of drugs or alcohol. An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual or other disability. A number of different acts fall into the 性暴力的种类,包括强奸,跟踪,性侵犯,性殴打, and sexual coercion. 所有这些性暴力行为都是性骚扰的形式 covered under Title IX.


Sexual Assault包括所有不受欢迎的性行为,包括强奸. Everything from non-consensual 亲吻和爱抚强迫口交、肛交或阴道性交,是性侵犯行为.


Rape: is any sexual intercourse without a person’s consent. Rape includes instances where 性是被迫的,和/或违背一个人的意愿,和/或在一个人无能为力的情况下发生的 of giving consent.



  • “同意”是指自愿同意进行性行为
  • A person is under the age of 18
  • 由于精神、身体或发展方面的原因,一个人不能给予同意 disability
  • 一个人感到受到压力、胁迫或操纵而发生性行为
  • A person feels fear or is threatened
  • Someone who is incapacitated cannot consent
  • Past consent does not imply future consent
  • Silence or an absence of resistance does not imply consent
  • 同意与一个人进行性活动并不意味着同意立博 in sexual consent with another
  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time
  • Coercion, force, or threat of either invalidates consent

Reporting Sexual Violence and Filing a Complaint

Please call or email Michael Z. Salvador,J.D.,  Diversity, EEO & Title IX Coordinator 如果你有关于性别歧视的投诉,要安排一次非正式会议, sexual harassment, or sexual violence. GCCCD promptly and thoroughly investigates 并解决有关性别歧视、性骚扰和性侵犯的投诉 violence.

Title IX Coordinator

Michael Z. Salvador, J.D., Diversity, EEO & Title IX Coordinator

Director GCCCD

8800 Grossmont College Drive

El Cajon, CA. 92020-1799


Fax - 619-644-7919




Campus Contacts

询问有关申诉的文件或要求一份学院的 grievance procedures may be directed to:


  • Dr. Victoria Marron
    Vice President, Student Services
    Cuyamaca College
    900 Rancho San Diego Parkway
    El Cajon, CA 92019
    (619) 660-4301 or victoria.marron@gcccd.edu
  • Dr. Lauren Vaknin
    Dean, Student Affairs
    Cuyamaca College
    900 Rancho San Diego Parkway
    El Cajon, CA 92019
    (619) 660-4295 or Lauren.Vaknin@gcccd.edu

*Contact information can also be found in the Cuyamaca College Catalog*


Student Prevention Training and Education

为了教育我们的学生如何预防性侵犯和约会 库亚马卡学院和格罗斯蒙特学院都提供各种培训和教育 workshops throughout the year.  In addition, the Student Health Centers at each college offer monthly tabling events on campus.  Students can contact the Student Affairs 在任何一个校区的办公室领取GCCCD政策和程序的副本 关于性侵犯,性骚扰,家庭暴力的信息, dating violence and many other topics.








District Policies  

有关歧视、骚扰、性骚扰的地区政策和程序 侵犯,学生的权利,责任和行为准则,以及学生 discipline, click on the links below:

Additional Resources

CAPS - Campus and Parking Services

Counseling Center: Cuyamaca College

Location: A-200 or Contact: (619) 660-4429

Mental Health Counseling: Cuyamaca College


Health and Wellness Center: Cuyamaca College

Location: Student Center, I-134 or Contact: (619) 660-4200

Student Affairs: Cuyamaca College


Community Resources 

  • 社区解决方案中心:希望、治疗和预防

24 hour Hotline: (888) 385-4657